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July 2009

An International Round Table Was Held with the Participation of the Fund for Sustainable Development

On the initiative of USAID, the Fund for Sustainable Development jointly with Eurasia Foundation organized the Russian- American Expert Round Table on Environmental Issues in the Russian Federation at which the priorities of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in the area of environmental protection were set. This event, which was part of the Civil Society Leaders Summit that took place in Moscow on July 8, was timed to US President Barack Obama’s first visit to Moscow.

The American partners expressed an interest in developing interaction and sharing experience in such areas as rational use of forest and water resources, energy-efficiency and biodiversity preservation.

The Round Table was joined by over 30 participants: Russian and US conservation experts, scientists, representative of Russian environmental NGOs, officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Public Chamber, and the staff of USAID and US Embassy in Moscow.

A.Peshkov, deputy director of the Department for International Cooperation at the RF Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology M.Rikhvanova, co-chair of a regional environmental NGO from Irkutsk spoke about the environmental situation in Lake Baikal Region
A break is a good time to continue the discussion
The Round Table was joined by over 30 participants: Russian and US conservation experts, scientists, representative of Russian environmental NGOs, officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Public Chamber, and the staff of USAID and US Embassy in Moscow




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