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News. November 2008 .

New Partners and New Programs of the Fund for Sustainable Development

In 2008, the Fund for Sustainable Development was actively engaged in fundraising for its new projects developed in partnership with its Regional Centers and experts, participants in FSD programs funded by USAID.

FSD’s participation in grant contests proved to be successful: it has received finance from CITI for the project Improving Communities Right Now and from a Russian donor, National Health League, for the project Male Health Protection (involving medical, social, cultural and educational aspects of male health protection as a factor of national security).

Also, ALCOA Foundation (which has been the sponsor of FSD’s Sustainable Development and Conservation in Russia Program entitled “We Are In Charge of the Future”) allocated new funds to FSD  for the continuation of this Program in 2009. The third phase of this Program was launched in November 2008.

FSD’s future plans include the further development of its programs and a search for new partners for their implementation.

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