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News. October 2008.

The Innovative Social Technologies and Project-Oriented Community Development Seminar was held in Yekaterinburg for the participants in the Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation

I. Gogolinsky, head of Przhevalsky Urban Municipality in Smolensk Oblast, speaks about the project complex Sanctuary Russia Historical Complex that is being carried out in Smolenskoye Poozyorye National Park

O.Fokin, executive director of the Fund for Sustainable Development, opens the seminar

An official from Yekaterinburg City Administration (right) awards a commemorative medal issued to mark the 285th anniversary of the city of Yekaterinburg to L.Strukova, director of the Ural Regional Center and a long-time partner of FSD, for her contribution to regional sustainable development

A.Shirokov, head of the Research and Education Department at the National Research Center of State and Municipal Governance, speaks at the seminar about prospective innovative approaches to the introduction of statutory forms of citizen participation in local self-government

Timothy Sandusky, U.S. Consul General in Yekaterinburg, greets the seminar participants

A master class on the role of Local Community Funds in sustainable community development and on the significance of municipal philanthropic programs and public participation in these programs was conducted by B.Tsirulnikov, chair of the Local Community Funds Partnership

At the end of October, the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) conducted the Innovative Social Technologies and Project-Oriented Community Development Seminar in Yekaterinburg with the aim of advancing the professional level of the participants in the USAID funded Community Development Support Program. The seminar was attended by 45 representatives of communities from the RFE, the Caucasus, Siberia, Buryatia and the Urals in which the Program’s projects are currently under way. U.S. Consul General in Yekaterinburg, Timothy Sandusky, also took part in the workshop.

As part of the seminar, S.Yurkova and A.Shirokov, leading experts  from the National Research Center for State and Municipal Governance, facilitated  a training session devoted to the introduction of innovative social technologies and project-oriented approaches to community development.

A master class on the role of Local Community Funds in sustainable community development and on the significance of municipal philanthropic programs and public participation in these programs was conducted by B.Tsirulnikov, chair of the Local Community Funds Partnership.

The participants also shared experience and spoke about the progress of the Program and the contribution of its projects to development in their communities. Special attention was focused on such issues as energy and resource saving, reinvestment of energy savings, and strengthening multi-sector interaction and public involvement in addressing social concerns

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