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March, 2007

The Fund for Sustainable Development was one of the partners of Vedomosti newspaperin organizing the Philanthropy in Russia Conference


This third annual Conference, held on March 6, 2007 in Moscow, was attended by over 150 participants, representatives of charitable organizations, businesses and international donors, and also by individuals who work in this sphere.

Oleg Fokin, executive director of the Fund for Sustainable Development, made a presentation entitled “Business Philanthropy Transparency Mechanisms” at the plenary meeting devoted to the theme “Corporate Policy Transparency in Philanthropy: Pros and Cons”.

At the Conference, the winners in the 2006 Largest Corporate Donor of Russia Contest were announced. This was the first annul contest sponsored by the non-profit partnership Donor Forum.  Eleven Russian companies participated in the contest. The amount of funds donated by companies for philanthropic activities totaled to 3,079,697 thousand rubles.  On the average, each company spent 7.019% of its net profit on these activities.

An exhibition “Philanthropy in Russia: History and Modernity” was displayed during the Conference.
The Conference program also included a plenary discussion of the topic “The Role of the Personality in Philanthropy” and two discussion panels:

For more detailed information and Conference materials please refer to:
