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February 28, 2006

The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fund for Regional and Community Sustainable Development

The February 28, 2006 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fund for Regional and Community Sustainable Development was attended by:

Victor Danilov-Danilian, Director of the Institute of Water Studies of the RAC and former Director of the RF State Committee for Environmental Protection (1991-2000), and former Chairman of the ROLL Program Coordinating Council (1997-2000), Moscow.
Sergei Shapkhayev, Director of the Buryatia Regional Association on Lake Baikal
Barbara Felitti, UCAN Regional Director, Ukraine
Oleg Fokin, Executive Director of the Fund for Regional and Community Sustainable Development.
Jill Arace representing John Duly, Vermont Supreme Court Justice, USA .

Oleg Fokin, FSD Executive Director, presented a report on the work of the Fund for the reporting period and a work plan for a period until December 31, 2006.

Ruslan Butovsky, FSD Program Director, presented a draft FSD Strategic Development Plan. The meeting decided to conduct an online discussion and amendment of this plan.

Victor Danilov-Danilian was elected the Chairman of  FSD Board of Directors.

New candidates were proposed for the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee of the Fund.

Oleg Fokin was elected FSD Executive Director for a 3-year term.