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News, June 2013

10 years later or looking at some results…

These 10 years were not easy ones, they were filled with constraints and efforts to overcome them, but the cedar has survived, has become strong and is now welcoming visitors to the Darwin Museum

The Environmental Encyclopedia is a valuable instrument intended for professional environmentalists of all specialties, teachers and students concerned with the environment, and members of environmental NGOs. It contains much knowledge and may be of use to all readers interested in the environment, conservation and environmental safety

Ten years ago, the staff of FSD planted a Siberian cedar not far from the entrance to the Darwin Museum in Moscow that gave rise to a small botanic garden or park.

The cedar seedling was brought from Siberian taiga as a gift to the museum and the planting ceremony was part of the prize-awarding ceremony of the photo contest “Create, But Do Not Destroy!” organized by FSD. The works for the contest were submitted by participants from many regions of the country. An exhibition of the winner photos was shown in 15 cities of Russia and a photo album of the best photos became an important event for everyone concerned with conservation.

These 10 years were not easy ones, they were filled with constraints and efforts to overcome them, but the cedar has survived, has become strong and is now welcoming visitors to the Darwin Museum. FSD is proud of this tree, which has become a real and living symbol of its legacy; it is our gift to young Muscovites who can now admire a real Siberian cedar.

Another meaningful “green” initiative of FSD was its participation in the publication of the 6-volume Environmental Encyclopedia.

The Environmental Encyclopedia is the first of its kind not only in Russia but internationally. It encompasses the entire specter of environmental issues.

This reference and information publication reflects the whole range of notions, terms and categories directly or indirectly related to environmental segments of special sciences (biology, geography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, economics, sociology, political sciences, etc.), to conservation and environmental security.

The entries contain comprehensive descriptions of objects, processes, events and tasks. The Encyclopedia includes a vast body of factual knowledge: numerous tables and figures that supplement and illustrate the entries.

The complete edition includes nearly 15,000 entries organized in alphabetical order. Each term is provided with synonyms and an English equivalent.

The Environmental Encyclopedia was prepared by prominent scientists. The chief editor is V.I.Danilov-Danilyan, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the RAS Institute of Water Problems and chairman of the FSD Board of Directors.

Deputy chief editor and author/compiler – Prof.K.S.Losev. Editorial board – members of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.P.Leverev (chairman), Y.M.Arsky, V.N.Bolshakov, M.C.Zalikhanov and K.Y.Kondratyev.

The six volumes of this edition were put out by the Encyclopedia Publishing House, which has printed seven volumes of the New Russian Encyclopedia, the Economics and Mathematics Encyclopedic Dictionary, the New Popular Medical Encyclopedia, the Cossacks Encyclopedia, the Ivan Fyodor and His Epoch Encyclopedia, a complete genealogical reference book European Dynasties and other fundamental encyclopedias.

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