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News. January, 2010

CDSP helps to solve TB related problems and other health issues.

New heat insulating windows and doors help keeping TB infected patients warm and safe in TB dispensary of Selenginskoye settlement (Republic of Buryatia)

In the framework of Round 5 Community Development Support Program operated by the Fund for Sustainable Development an urgent assistance was offered for improving infrastructure and energy efficiency of facilities related to TB issues. As a result of competition six projects worth $ 117 400 provided by USAID have been supported. Four specialized TB clinics and nine healthcare stations and kindergartens medical units related to TB curing and prevention in Khabarovskiy Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, and Republics of Adygeya, Buriatia, and Chechnya received funds for modernizing their infrastructure and improving quality of treatment of TB-infected patients and working conditions for medical staff. The buildings of medical facilities got better heat insulation, hot water supplies, climatizing devices and some basic medical equipment. Technical assistance provided by USAID helped improving treatment of over 700 TB infected patients including children and provided a reliable system of monitoring and early alert of TB infection for over 60 000 citizens including children. These projects have also generated serious economic effect due to reduction of heating costs. Over $ 20 000 of annual savings are expected to be invested into further TB facilities modernization. Better care on TB infected patients in warmer clinics resulted in 10% reduction of the cure time on average. This certainly contributes to social tension relief in the targeted communities which experiences positive shifts in managing one of the major public health threats in Russia.


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