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February, 2008

The Fund for Sustainable Development Takes Part in the Community Development through Citizen Participation in Local-Self-Government Conference

Irina Makeyeva, manager of the program “New Effective Municipal Management Model: Addressing Own Problems” opens the Conference

O.Zyablitskaya, chair of the Deputy’s Council, and N.Ogneva, leading specialist on social issues, Maiminsky Municipality, the Republic of Altai, present Program experience

In late January, the Siberian Public Initiative Support Center (MOF STsOPI) organized a conference to present the outcomes of the program “New Effective Municipal Management Model: Addressing Own Problems” that is being implemented in six municipalities in the Siberian Federal District with support from the Charles Stuart Mott Foundation.

The Program is based on the Effective Management Model approaches developed by the staff of MOF STsOPI and a partner organization, Epstein&Fass Associates, New York. At the Conference, experience was shared in the area of increasing the efficiency of the municipal management system. The participants presented their action plans which they have designed in the process of training under this Program and which are already being introduced into the governing practice in pilot municipalities.

Currently, the Program is reaching out to several new locations, two of which are also participants in the Community Development Support Program (CDSP) implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD).

All municipal officials from the pilot communities who spoke at the Conference stressed that the use of the  Effective Management  Model, which became possible thanks to the municipalities’ participation in the Program, had helped to considerably improve local social and economic capabilities and more actively engage citizens in community planning.  

A presentation was made on FSD experience of involving citizens in local self-government on the example of its programs in Russia.