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News. September 2010

The Fund for Sustainable Development Presented its Project “Municipal “ at the 10th Municipal Reform in Russia Forum

The project “Municipal” was presented at the Forum held in Sochi on September 20-24, 2010, under the title “Twenty Years of Local Government Reform: Outcomes and Prospects”.

The participants in the Forum greeted representatives of the RF State Duma, RF Federal Council, the RF Ministry of Education and the Sochi City Public Chamber.

Over 100 participants became acquainted with the project “Municipal” that is being implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development since April 2010 with support from USAID,  the UN Development Program and the RF Ministry of Economic Development in partnership with the Media Resources for Education LLC.

The project “Municipal” consists of two components of the same name: a thematic community portal and a media library.

The project is aimed at creating an information and education medium for municipal stakeholders and a platform for interaction of experts and officials concerned with municipal governance and development.

At the Forum, the winners of the 10th Contest of Educational Programs and Procedural Guidelines for Municipal Governance Training received their awards.

S.Yurkova, director of the Russia State and Municipal Governance Studies Center, a federal state research organization, opens the Forum .

A.Shirokov, deputy director for Research and Education at the Russia State and Municipal Governance Studies Center, presented his paper “Twenty Years of Local Self-Government: the Guide Path”.

O.Fokin, executive director of the Fund for Sustainable Development, presents the project “Municipal” to the Forum participants.

RESOLUTION of the 1Oth National Municipal Reform Support Forum


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