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September 2007

The Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) conducted the training seminar called “Local community engagement into elaboration and implementation of regional development plans”

Galina.Pakhalchak - Sverdlovskaya oblast Deputy-minister for Nature Resources, is opening the seminar

Equipment for heat rational use and energy saving was installed in the Yekaterinburg school #184

On September 18-22, 2007 in the city of Yekaterinburg in the framework of the USAID-funded Community Development Support Program (CDSP) the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) conducted the training seminar called “Local community engagement into elaboration and implementation of regional development plans”. It was organized for the Program Participants and Partners.

The seminar agenda included the site visit to the projects implemented by the Urals Center for Energy Efficiency in the frame of the GDA Model Communities Initiatives funded by USAID, experience exchange and a training that was devoted to the issues of energy efficiency and mechanisms of energy savings reinvestment into the new socially oriented civic initiatives targeted towards local community sustainable development.

Over 40 participants representing 42 CDSP projects performed at the local level in North Caucasus, Baikal region, Russian Far East and other regions of Russia took part in the seminar activities. The seminar was recognized as a very important event by Nilolay Danilov - Sverdlovskaya oblast Governor official representative and Galina.Pakhalchak - Sverdlovskaya oblast Deputy-minister for Nature Resources. The seminar participants also met with the US Consul General in Yekaterinburg Mr. John Stepanchuk.

Svetlana Yurkova – head of the Russian Research Center for State and Municipal Governance gave a special training called  “Strategic territorial planning at the municipal level and citizens engagement into the process of municipal development” for the Seminar participants.

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