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News. June 2013

The Fund for Sustainable Development organized a round table “Best Community Resources Saving Practices in Finland and in the Russian Federation”

This event took place in Moscow on June 18, 2013 at the Finnish Embassy in the Russian Federation. It was joined by Russian and Finnish experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and professionals concerned with the subject of responsible nature management and resource saving.

The comprehensive and competent discussion was based on presentations describing the experience of concrete projects, whose successes are  confirmed by figures and indicators. Thus, Ruslan Butovsky (FSD) spoke about 8 programs that included 200 projects carried out in 60 municipalities of Russia from 2005 to 2013.

It is hard to overestimate the good prospects and benefits of such work, because over half of these projects involved practical energy-efficiency activities, as well as  a broad knowledge sharing and training on project locations. Such an effort helps form resource-saving project approaches.

Other participants in the round table, Y.Tsygankov, S.Sergeyev, A.Frolov, S.Khudyave and G.Afanasyev, acquainted the audience with a broad range of possible solutions, as well as Russia’s experience  of successes introduction of latest technical innovations in the areas of energy-saving.

The participants were faced with the not simple task of embracing a wide scope of issues related to community resource saving during this one event. They succeeded, demonstrating that despite the complexity and urgency of this problem it may be successfully addressed.

An important outcome of the roundtable was the idea that a business that complies with the principles of energy-efficiency is both more efficient and profitable and has a greater potential for development. This idea has been proved by the practical work of our colleagues from Finland, whose experience is extremely useful and needed  in Russia by its municipalities and companies, many of which are already successfully introducing resource-saving technologies

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