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News. June 2011

Comprehensive Review Practical Mechanisms and Role of Pilot Environmental and Social Projects in Environmentally Oriented Sustainable Community Development

In the context of the upcoming 2012 RIO+20 Summit, growing attention in Russia and in the world is being focused on the practical implementation of the principles of sustainable development based on corporate socially and environmentally responsible business activity on all levels (from local to global).

Much public attention has been lately focused on the “green economy” (“green growth”) concept as the new vector of sustainable development that implies close interaction of the environmental, economic and social components of development. Therefore, the wording of the request on this subject includes such important issues as regional and community initiatives in the sphere of sustainable development and promotion of a “green economy” as a response to global challenges (climate change, resource potential deterioration and biodiversity reduction);  development of environmentally responsible business practices and small businesses to motivate and further the “green economy” on a community level; and mechanisms of introducing the best known  “green economy” practices (inter-project cooperation with consolidated budgets, inter-sector participation, and reinvestment instruments and opportunities).

Nearly 50 members of the thematic community (coauthors of the review from different regions - list is included) who sent in papers in which they analyze situations in regions/communities and prioritize the above issues in the context of regional/community development took part in the discussion of this subject on the portal. They expressed their opinions on the ways and means of addressing problems on municipal and state levels and also provided descriptions of regional case histories and initiatives in the area of sustainable development.

Considering the large body of materials submitted by the members of the community, 4 reviews will be devoted to this subject:

  1.  Sustainable development: “green economy”, ecoeconomic risks and environmental safety.
  2. The role of protected areas in local sustainable development and biodiversity preservation.
  3. Enhancing the efficiency of community development projects (experience of the Fund for Sustainable Development).
  4. Water resources management.

Reviews 1 and 2 have been placed on the portal Municipal:

 (www.municipal-sd.ru) and may be accessed through the home page menu or at this link: http://municipal-sd.ru/node/91903 .


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