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Project title: " Founding an Environmental Information Center at Nadvoitsy City Library". 

Nadvoitsy City Library, a municipal institution and Branch # 2 of Segezhskaya Centralized Library System
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006  
End date: October 31, 2006
Project summary
This project promotes healthy life styles, provides an open and unlimited dissemination of environmental information, and involves the residents of Nadvoitsy settlement, primarily local youth, into socially significant and environmentally oriented activities.
This project is unique, for it has set up an integrated information center in Nadvoitsy that accumulates all local environmental information in interaction with industrial facilities and organizations. This information is further conveyed to the broad public.
Location of replication
Republic of Karelia, Segezhsky raion, Nadvoitsy settlement
Total budget $ 5,471                       Grantee contribution $1,236                    Grant $4,235

Project results:
A room in the library building has been renovated for the Information Center. The following creative contests were organized during Nadvoitsy Day for the residents of the settlement:

The Information Center is being organized at the local library under the guidance of N. Ivleva as part of project activities. It will provide open Internet access to the members of the community and topical information on the environmental situation in Segezhsky raion.



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