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Project title: "Soul Ecology". 

ROSTOK Rehabilitation Center for Children with Limited Abilities, a state educational institution and Young Natural Scientists Club, a municipal educational institution
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006
End date: November 1, 2006
Project summary:
Setting up a “Green Island” (an environmental room with plants and animals) and acquainting the children with various occupations and providing them with knowledge they will be able to use in the future (about such professions as horticulturist, greenhouse worker, zoologist, teacher, ecologist, etc.).
Improving the surrounding outdoor area: planting 3 flowerbeds of a total area of 32 sq.m; installing 4 decorative components made of natural materials (a goldfish, a turtle, and an hedgehog family). Creating a Health Trail from natural materials.
Creating conditions for promoting tolerance and a humane attitude toward children with limited abilities attending the Young Natural Scientists Club, in particular,  through interaction between the children and teachers of the Center and the Club in the process of taking care of animals, plants and nature sites; organizing theatrical events;  introducing environmental elements  and setting up an ecological room at the Center; and informing the community about the positive relationships between the teachers and children.
Location of replication
Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Kamensk-Uralsky,
Total budget $12,736                  Grantee contribution $4,436                       Grant $8,300

Project results:

The area adjacent to the Rehabilitation Center was landscaped: the members of the Young Natural Scientists Club and the teachers of the Center planted 3 flowerbeds (32 sq. m), installed decorative components made of natural materials (a goldfish, a turtle, and an hedgehog family) in the Center’s yard; created a  Health Trail from natural materials.
Continuation of the initiative Green Island, an environmental room with plants and animals intended for children who stay at the Center for in-patient treatment, as well for children who live in Kamensk-Uralsky. Five aquariums are being installed and anti-bacterial houseplants were purchased and placed in the Center to improve the quality of indoor air.  The joint excursions of the inmates of the Center, parents and teachers to local nature monuments improve the psychosomatic condition of the children participating in the project. The city newspaper New Compass and the children’s newspaper Hedgehog printed by the Club actively informed the community about project events and activities.



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