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Project title: "Learning to Save Water". 

Boarding School # 27, a municipal general education institution
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006           
End date: October 31, 2006
Project summary
Educational and practical activities aimed at studying and preserving water bodies. The pupils of the boarding school visit unique areas along the banks of Iset and Kamenka rivers and  municipal water-preparation and water discharge facilities where they learn about the significance of water; environmentally responsible approaches to water use; water-saving techniques; and the water cycles in economic activities.
Organizing a contest of drawings and posters at the boarding school and a contest of best projects for improving Kodinsky Warm Water Spring, a local nature monument protected by the regional government, with the winning project being implemented by the students. Preparing educational materials on the economical use of water and methods of saving water resources. Installing an anti-bactericidal device for purifying water in the building of the boarding school in which the pupils spend 24 hours a day.
Conducting an active public information campaign in the local mass media.
Location of replication
Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Kamensk-Uralsky
Total budget $ 3,454                         Grantee contribution $555                                               Grant $2,899

Project results:

As part of this project, the members of the Young Natural Scientists Club performed plays and delivered lectures to 120 inmates of the boarding school. The activists of the movement “Let’s Help Iset River!” spoke of the unique riverbank areas of the city and of the importance of water for life on Earth and how it can be saved; and also organized joint environmental activities together with the students of the boarding school during which they cleaned the river banks and collected soil for aquariums.
An expanded pet’s corner where natural history and ecology lessons are held for all grades and where the children learn to take care of animals, which promotes  their social adaptation. Excursions were also organized to municipal sewage treatment and water-preparation facilities.
An anti-bacterial water purification device installed in the school’s kitchen improves the health of the inmates and teachers. The winning posters of the contest “Learning to Save Water” were handed over to 40 educational institutions in Kamensk-Uralsky. They will teach the younger generation of the city to treat water in the natural environment and at home with care. In the summer of 2007, the joint environmentally oriented activities of the pupils of the boarding school and the members of the Young Natural Scientists Club will be continued.


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