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Project title: "Let’s Give Warmth and Care to Children from an Orphanage". 

Specialized Orphanage # 2, a state public health institution
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006
End date: September 30, 2006
Project summary
Energy-efficiency activities at the building of the Orphanage that accommodates 60 permanent inmates aged 0-4 years old:

  1. replacement of old window frames in the bedrooms  with new plastic ones;
  2. installing ionizing and air purification equipment.

Carrying out a series of activities aimed at improving the surrounding outdoor area (putting in new sandpits, planting flowerbeds, and pruning the poplars that grow around the orphanage).
Establishing media relations to increase public awareness among the population and the city’s organizations about the need to address the issue of preserving the health of children left without parental care, including such measures as raising non-budgetary funds for supporting the orphanage.
Conducting a broad public education campaign devoted to modern forms of interaction between citizens and orphanage inmates.
Location of replication
Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Kamensk-Uralsky
Total budget $ 9,347                         Grantee contribution $1,047                                            Grant $8,300

Project results:

New window frames in the bedrooms and other rooms of the orphanage were replaced with new plastic ones as a result of the project’s energy-saving activities.
Respiratory and allergic disease frequency among the children dropped 50% (as compared with last year) as a result of the work of the newly-installed air clearers; and the general living conditions of the children and the working conditions of the staff have improved considerably.
The adjacent area was landscaped: flowers were planted, the trees were pruned, and new sandpits were put in.
A broad public information campaign about the project was launched at local television, radio and press with the aim of motivating community members to take part in various forms of caring for the children from the orphanage. This resulted in an increased involvement of sponsors from among local businesses and individuals. In the framework of this project, various types of assistance were provided by the business firms Irbis and Sibna, the Entrepreneur NGO, the city’s motor transport enterprise, the Ural Treasures Bank, and Demidovsky Factory.



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