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Project title: "Health Counts Most". 

Kindergarten # 17 (Zolotoi Kluchik), a pre-school municipal educational institution
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006
End date: October 31, 2006
Project summary
This project includes a whole range of activities to improve the health of pre-schoolers:

Location of replication
Irkutsk Oblast, Shelekhov
Total budget $9,307           Grantee contribution $1,007               Grant $8,300

Project results:

The equipment of a salt mine – a spelaean treatment room - was completed with the help of partners from Novosibirsk, who also conduct training for the kindergarten’s staff on how to operate this room. The salt mine has special lighting, music, and figurines carved on the walls – all this helps improve child health, lowers respiratory disease risk, reduces stress, and strengthens the immune system. An environmental room was aslo renovated and adorned with antibacterial houseplants. At this room, the children are taught to relax and also undergo aromatherapy. A special Chizhevsky Chandelier ionizes the air in the room. To protect the air around the kindergarten, 50 pine spruce seedlings were planted. The project’s staff conducted a master-class for parents on self health-improvement at which they were taught self-massage and breathing exercises techniques. The project received broad coverage in the local press. 

The kindergarten principal Tatiana Zhukotskaya in the environmental room during an interview to Shelekhov TV


The salt mine has special lighting


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