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Project title: "Warmth, Care and Comfort Benefit Child Health". 

Gymnasium # 19 (Malyshok), a pre-school and elementary school municipal educational institution
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006
End date: October 31, 2006
Project summary
Creating a healthy environment for children through the implementation of the following activities:

Location of replication
Irkutsk Oblast, Shelekhov
Total budget $ 9,991                         Grantee contribution $ 1,619                           Grant $8,300

Project results:

The indoor environment was improved considerably after the project team sealed the joints of the wall panes and insulated the roofing.  The city allocated 253,000 rubles for repairing electrical wiring. The ventilation system of the swimming pool and the gym were repaired, making it possible to resume regular lessons in the swimming pool and hardening the children. The frequency of colds among the children dropped by 20%. A sensory room with a “dry basin”, a walking ladder, a Chizhevsky Chandelier, and a special twister cube for dexterity development was set up. A physical therapy room was also opened as part of project activities.

A physiotherapy room was opened for treating children who are often ill


The walls of the kindergarten building were sealed and whitewashed



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