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Project title: "Prishvinskaya Trail School Ecotourism Club"

Nadvoitsy Settlement Middle General Education School, a municipal educational institution 
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006
End date: October 30, 2006
Project summary
Founding an ecotourism club and forming a mobile team of the children’s environmental group at the school in Nadvoitsy. Activities include organizing patrolling, hiking and environmental and local lore activities among the students; studying the anthropogenic impact on nature objects and historical landscapes; and preserving the unique natural heritage of the region.
The pupils study, promote and practically apply the environmental ideas of the Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin on a location that he had described in his writings; clean from trash and improve the unique historical and nature areas around the Voitsky Waterfalls and Voitsky Mine. Project activities also include organizing environmental trails; conducting public education and information events at the school and community; analyzing the recreational and tourist potential of the surrounding areas; and preparing a package of information materials.
Location of Replication
Republic of Karelia, Nadvoitsy settlement
Total budget $9,806             Grantee contribution $1,400              Grant $8,406

Project Results:

The students of the middle school in Nadvoitsy, together with their history teacher L.Pomortseva (Prishvinskaya Trail Project Coordinator) have organized a tourism club. They go on bicycle tours of the surrounding countryside and  take part in practical environmental activities, such as cleaning nature monuments of trash. The twenty five new bicycles acquired  by the school under the project, allowed to considerably expand the areas under study and to organize more active environmental patrolling. The students oversee the condition of such nature and cultural sites as Voitsky Mine, Voitsky Waterfalls, and Shavanskaya Dam.

Students of Nadvoitsy Middle School on a local lore bicycle tour


Nadvoitsy schoolchildren clean the area of a local nature monument


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