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Project title: "Sewage Tanks Overhaul". 

Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise
Profile of organization
Start date:  June 1,  2006
End date: October 31, 2006
Project summary
Modernizing the municipal sewage treatment system, which at the start of the project consisted of a 100% deteriorated system of wooden overflow edges of radial-flow settlement tanks. This caused an overburdening of the aeration tanks with pollutants and a worsening of the properties of return sludge, which, in turn, led to poor-quality sewage treatment and a contamination of  water bodies to which the treated sewage was discharged.
Improved sewage content and reduced pollution of rivers Olkha, Irkut and Angara as a result of the installation of 490 linear m of new ridged overflow edges made of high-quality PVC instead of the wooden ones, including 210 linear m funded by the grantee. The new durable edges will serve for 15-20 years, unlike the old ones that have to be replaced every 3 years and whose repair used to cost over $1,200 a year. The project also includes monitoring and laboratory tests of the sewage.
Location of replication
Irkutsk Oblast, Shelekhov
Total budget $13,419                        Grantee contribution $5,119                                          Grant $8,300

Project results:

The project team used a cost-effective approach to select and purchase new ridged overflow edges (280 linear m) made of high-quality PVC installed at 8 sedimentation tanks. Grantee funds were used to install 250 linear m of ridged overflow edges made of organic glass. This new equipment is much more durable than the old wooden overflow edges that were 100% deteriorated at the beginning of the project. The new equipment allows to reduce by 20% the washout of suspended matter from the tanks and to cut expenses for their repair by 10-15 times.

Grant funds were used to install ridged overflow edges made of organic glass

Project Manager Elena Milanova and Shelekhov TV journalists interview members of the project team



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