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Program supported by the Ford Foundation

News, February 2008

New Experience of Using Wood Waste in Varnavinsky Raion

Varnavinsky Raion in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is a model community in  Volga Region selected in the course of the “Sustainable Development and Jobs in Rural Areas” Program that is being carried out by the Fund for Sustainable Development with financial support from the Ford Foundation. The Program is aimed at identifying the most efficient, sustainable and environmentally sound methods of utilizing local resources as a source of income for developing the community and increasing the standard of living of its members.

The local administration, which is actively implementing a program of utilizing woodworking waste, has installed a special boiler manufactured in Austria in the boiler plant of Makarii Settlement. This boiler works on sawdust and provides heating for the local school and administrative buildings. The best operation of this boiler is only possible on dry and high-quality sawdust that is generated during the current year. However, this leaves unresolved the issue of using woodchips and also sawdust that has been kept outdoors for long periods of time.

With the aim of ensuring a more complete utilization of wood waste, MUP Varnavinkomservice acquired a new Russian-made boiler from Kovrov Boiler Company (Kovrov, Vladimir Oblast) and installed it in the boiler plant of Mikhalenino Settlement (Varnavinsky Raion). This boiler costs practically half as much as the Austrian one and, besides, its technical characteristics allow using damp sawdust and woodchips that have been stored for a long time in the open.

To install this boiler, adjusters from Kovrov Boilers Company came to Mikhalyovo as part of project activities sponsored by the Ford Foundation. After the successful commissioning of the boiler plant’s new equipment, previously needless wood waste is now being used instead of expensive coal. Two new jobs was created for local people who work for transportation of saw dust to the boiler house. The use of wood chips requires the creation of 4-5 new jobs for preparing the fuel, which will also help solve a critical local problem by ensuring stability in the community and an improvement of its economic status.

Benefits of the project are:  improving living conditions for municipal organizations  (local school, kindergarten, medical office, library and office of young tourists club) as well as in 6 living houses (42 families). In winter time in inside temperature in the buildings increased from 15 C to 20 - 22 C.

Ilya Metlin, an adjuster from Kovrov Boilers Company, instructs a worker of the boiler plant in Mikhalenino Settlement in the details of starting-up and commissioning the specialized boiler

Adjusters from Kovrov Boilers Company during the installation of the boiler in the boiler plant in Mikhalenino Settlement

Sawdust storage at the boiler plant in Mikhalenino Settlement


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