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News, September 2013

The Fund for Sustainable Development was one of the organizers of the XII RUSSIA MUNICIPAL FORUM

Среди других организаторов Форума - Государственный университет управления, Российская Муниципальная академия, Академия социального управления и Научное студенческое общество Академии.

The other organizers of the Forum were the State University of Management, the Russia Municipal Academy, the Fund for Sustainable Development, and the Student Scientific Society of the Academy.

This event was timed to the anniversary of three keynote regulations in the sphere of local self-government: the 10th anniversary of Federal LAW # 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”; the 15th anniversary of the ratification by Russia of the “European Charter of Local Self-Government”; and the 20th anniversary of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation. The participants included government and local-self government officials, educators, scientists, representatives of consulting and non-profit organizations and other stakeholders.

The participants discussed a host of topical questions. Today, the quality of life of Russian citizens depends largely on the quality of municipal administration. Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of sharing experience among municipal officials and professors and instructors of higher educational establishments. For this, the Forum provided an excellent possibility. During the thirteen years of its existence, a community of researchers, educators and administrators concerned with local self-government and municipal administration has been formed and a large body of information sharing best practices has become available.

Over 80 participants representing 27 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the Forum, shared their experience and discussed the prospects and issues  pertaining to developing local self-government.

The program of this event included a workshop “Status, Trends and Prospects of the Local Self-Government Development Model” during which the attendees provided their proposals to be presented to the editorial board for preparing the final document of the National Congress of Municipalities.

The Forum also included a scientific and practical conference “Municipal Administration: Prospects, Methods and Technologies for Enhancing Efficiency”. The winners of the 13th National Contest for Best Educational Programs and Methodology in Training, Retraining and Advance Training of Municipal Administration Professionals were awarded prizes.

It is safe to note, that during the thirteen years of the Forum it has been successfully promoting interaction between experts and practical workers in the field of municipal administration, local self-government and sustainable community development.

Video fragment from the Forum:

Plenary Presentation.     Development of Local Self-Government Legislation: 2011 – 2013 

ALEXANDER SHIROKOV – Professor at the Department of State and Municipal Governance at the Institute of State Governance and Law, State Administration University, Moscow

The proposals of the participants of the Forum to be presented to the editorial board for preparing the final document of the National Congress of Municipalities were summarized by:

ALEXANDER SHIROKOV – Professor at the Department of State and Municipal Governance at the Institute of State Governance and Law, State Administration University, Moscow

ROALD BABUN – Vice-President  of the Association of Siberian and Russian Far East Cities and Professor at the Novokuznetsk Institute, a branch of Kemerovo State University, Novosibirsk-Kemerovo

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