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Environment and Public Health in Nevinnomyssk and other Regions of Eurokhim Presence

News, October 2008.

Environment and Public Health in Nevinnomyssk and other Regions of EuroChem Company Presence Program: From Citizen Initiatives to Social Partnerships


In the beginning of October, a round table discussion  - EuroChem-USAID Program in Nevinnomysk as a Pilot Site for Developing Social Partnerships of Russian Business – took place in Nevinnomyssk under the Environment and Public Health in Nevinnomyssk and other Regions of  EuroChem Company Presence Program. This Program, managed by the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD), is being implemented with financial support from EuroChem Company and USAID.

The discussion was joined by 40 participants: the staff of the City Administration’s departments concerned with socio-economic development; members of the Program Working Group; officials from the City Duma; owners of small and middle sized businesses;  journalists from city and regional media outlets (city newspaper Nevinnomyssky Rabochi, Nevinnomyssk City Radio Program Vizavi, a news weekly Gorod Ensk and Stavropol Regional Television); representatives of Nevinnomyssk NGOs and condominiums; 26 participants in the Program; and representatives of projects of all three Program contests.

In their presentations, project coordinators acquainted the audience with new social services in the community that have appeared in the course of the Program, inlcuding new child health promotion and rehabilitation programs; and also with the results of activities to develop environmental culture among schoolchildren and to reduce energy spending in municipal institutions.

New projects targeted toward facilitating citizen participation in community development were proposed for discussion. O.Talberg, deputy director of Nevinnomyssky AZOT, spoke about EuroChem’s vision of the further dissemination of community development experience at other locations of the company’s presence. He noted that the social technologies proposed by FSD are viable, help create a partnership atmosphere and demonstrate the advantages of public participation in carrying out community development plans.

On October 11, at the Fair of Social Projects held during the celebration of Nevinnomyssk City Day 2008, 26 organizations participating in the Program presented their work to the residents of the city on mobile stands placed along the central pedestrian street and handed out booklets and leaflets with information about projects supported by EuroChem in 2007 and 2008, and also spoke about their practical initiatives aimed at making the city environment more convenient.

Thanks to the Program, new rehabilitation equipment was acquired for Nevinnomyssk outpatient children’s clinic; a winter garden and environmental class were opened; kitchens in children’s hospitals and a kindergarten were modernized; the gyms in a college and school were renovated; a physical therapy room in a kindergarten was equipped; a pre-school soccer league was founded; athletic and health centers, sports grounds and a skate park were built and new ones are being planned; and a family recreation mini-park will soon be opened.

In the evening, during the celebratory concert attended by several thousand residents of Nevinnomyssk of all ages, a prize-awarding ceremony was held at which community members, winners of the 3rd contest of the Program, received certificates and gifts from the director of Nevinnomyssky AZOT, V.Kail, and his deputy, O.Talberg.

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