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Maech, 2011

Successful Development of Projects in Luchegorsk

The installation of heat automatic control systems and the improvement of the heat insulation properties of buildings funded from the municipal budget in Pozharsky raion allows saving up to 30% of budget funds spent for heating

The projects of the complex “Implementation of Activities Aimed at Providing Safe Living Conditions to the Residents of Luchegorsk” that were launched in 2009 under the CDSP Program have been successfully continuing after the end of funding from the Fund for Sustainable Development and USAID. With the use of saved and additionally raised funds for project continuation, the safety of community members will be further enhanced.

In 2010, the municipal committee supported the project “Playground Improvement” by providing 400,000 rubles for its implementation. Under this project, eight participants were granted certificates for building playgrounds in the yards of residential buildings. This program was also funded from the 2011 municipal budget.

Also, building on the successful experience of   replacing old lamps with energy-saving ones in the streets of the settlement, in 2010, 120 DRL lamps were replaced with energy-saving DNAT lamps, thus making it possible to save 75,000 rubles on power consumption. Plans for 2011 include the replacement of another 100 DRL lamps with energy-saving DNAT lamps. The next phase of improving street lighting will involve the installation of an automated street lamp on and off switching system that increases the efficiency of identifying and removing faults in the work of the street lighting system.

In the course of 2010, local volunteers applied road marking and installed signs on the traffic education site in the Children’s Park. In the warm season, many contests were organized there among both preschoolers and elementary school students and this was covered in the news of the local TV Company LTV. This effort is aimed at lowering the rate of children’s road traffic injuries and teaching children to abide to traffic rules.  Road marking was also placed on the busiest central streets of the settlement.

The video surveillance systems that were installed in children’s and adult recreation areas helped to cut by half the number of offenses and ensure safety in the community. The Department of Internal Affairs reported that in 2009-2010 these systems operated flawlessly and have been continuing up to date. In 2011, such systems will appear at the key road intersections of Luchegorsk, thus further increasing the safety of road users.

Therefore, partnerships founded in the framework of CDSP have allowed to save and channel to further socio-economic development of Pozharsky raion many hundreds of thousands of rubles and also raise over one million rubles from the local budget to continue these socially and environmentally significant activities.

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