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Íîâîñòè, àïðåëü 2011.

News from ALCOA Foundation and FSD Program “Youth Votes for Health!”: Volunteers from Alcoa Metallurg Rus Help Build an Outdoor Fitness Ground in Belaya Kalitva

Under this Program, 13 outdoor vandal-proof fitness machines will be installed in the yard of the local Children’s Creativity Center. For this, a special site had to be prepared, but since the majority of the staff of this children’s education establishment are women, the task of leveling the site and digging out old destroyed metal structures was beyond their capacity. Volunteers from Alcoa Metallurg Rus offered their assistance in upgrading the future sports ground.

On April 27, at the end of the working day, young employees from the metallurgical plant equipped with shovels and paintbrushes had set about to prepare the lot for the fitness machines. It took them, together with members of the Leader Center, a total of 18 volunteers, only an hour-and-a-half to root out old edge stone and metal structures, level the site, and whitewash the wall of the site, which young artists will soon cover with their drawings. The yard of the Center was freed from a metal structure and an old slide that did not comply with standard safety rules.

The management of the Children’s Creativity Center and the children attending it and their parents expressed their gratitude to the volunteers from AlCOA Metallurg Rus and invited them for workouts at the fitness site.

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