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News, October 2013

The “Youth Votes for Health!” Program sponsors a seminar “Speaking about Health: Jokingly and Seriously” at the Children’s Creative Center in Belaya Kalitva

In the course of the past seven years, the Children’s Creativity Center has been the coordination center and first pilot site of the Program that is aimed at introducing innovative health technologies promoting youth development and advertising healthy life styles. The seminar was joined by FSD projects manager E.Bondarchuk, project coordinators I.Seredina and E. Kisileva, 13 teachers and 2 fitness. Elena Bondarchuk, who opened the meeting, informed the audience that in 2012, 3 fitness grounds equipped with 27 outdoor machines were opened in Belaya Kalitva Raion under the Program. The Program’s effort to popularize street fitness machines in the community was pursued in two directions: education and elective lessons devoted to healthy life styles and training on fitness machines under the guidance of fitness instructors. From May to October 2013, such elective lessons were conducted in the educational institutions of the city and raion. The teachers attending the seminar made presentations of such lessons conducted in their schools. Though the subject matters and formats of the lessons differed, all were equally interesting. Most of the teachers have been taking part in the Program for many years and, thus, the quality of training materials is constantly growing. In December 2013, a round table will be organized at the Children’s Creativity Center to summarize project results. At this event, the most active participants will be awarded diplomas and money prizes. 

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