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News, May 2013

Belaya Kalitva has something to share with CIS member-states in the area of encouraging healthy lifestyles among youth

Îïûò  ðåàëThe experience of this Program was presented at the Second CIS Member-States Forum “Public Health as the Basis of the Commonwealth’s Prosperity” held in Moscow on May 29-31, 2013 (at the Gostiny Dvor Complex)

On May 23, 2013, under the Alcoa Foundation program “Youth Votes for Health!” a new outdoor fitness ground was opened in School # 2. It is the sixth of its kind in the city and raion of Belaya Kalitva that have become a part of everyday life for local schoolchildren, their teachers, parents and adults.

The opening ceremony was attended by the school’s students, teachers, administration, representatives of the Education Department of Belaya Kalitva Raion Administration, journalists, the chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth N.N.Shulkin, head of corporate relations of CJSC Alcoa Metallurg Rus G.N.Alentyeva, and a representative of the Fund for Sustainable Development, a non-profit organization and a long-time partner of Alcoa Foundation in implementing corporate social responsibility programs.

The opening coincided with the birthday of the school’s principal, A.I.Sidenkova, who for 20 years has been putting in her energy, competence and care into the education of many generations  of schoolchildren in the community. N.I.Korneva, deputy head of the Education Department of Belaya Kalitva Raion Administration and a graduate of School # 2, made an opening speech and Y.V.Balakhin, Rostov Oblast Minister of Physical Culture and Sports and graduate of the same school, had sent a welcoming message.

The administration of the school expressed its gratitude to Alcoa Company (Alcoa Metallurg Rus – Belaya Kalitva) and the international Alcoa Foundation for the gift and its concerned attitude toward youth.

The program “Youth Votes for Health!” has been continuing for over two years and during this time in Belaya Kalitva city and raion 5 grounds with new generation outdoor fitness machines were opened. These are real open-air gyms, frequented not only by schoolchildren, but by many local residents as well. Belaya Kalitva is one of the first in the country to introduce new health technologies for youth.

On June 2, more fitness grounds will appear here: in the yards of Children’s Sports Schools # 1  in Zarechnoye and #3  in Bogurayevsky. Training sessions will be conducted on all 8 fitness grounds (coach E.V.Kisileva and teachers O.V.Malakhova, A.V.Podgorny and T.P.Bulatova) and children from city summer camps will  also start training there. In the autumn, teams from schools that have fitness grounds will perform  there during the celebration of the Day of the City.

Starting from April 2013, additional lessons “Healthy Lifestyles”, winners of the special contest of the Program (coordinator – I.G.Seredina), will be conducted in partner schools. Of special interest this year are the following subjects: “What do We Know about Genetically Modified Products?” (additional lesson for  9-11th grade students); “Life Safety” (additional lesson about fire prevention at school and at home); “Water Pollution and Human Health”; “Safety at School and During Recreation”; “Healthy Vacation”; “Indoor Climate Optimization in Schools and Residential Houses”; “Food as a Source of Health”; “Voyage to a Healthy Lifestyle”; “Methods of Cleaning and Preserving Water Resources”; “Electronics: Useful and Dangerous?!”; “Under Control”; and “Cold Water Hardening”. Both students and teachers are involved in creating and disseminating new materials, lessons, presentations and cartoons. Their main goal is to have the topic of healthy lifestyles remain popular among all the members of the community.

Obviously, Belaya Kalitva has become the leader in developing “yard fitness” in the country.

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