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News, April 2007.

ALCOA Program “We Are in Charge of the Future”: First Results.

In March-April 2007, a series of master classes for schools and additional education centers was conducted as part of the ALCOA Program “We Are in Charge of the Future” aimed at promoting sustainability and conservation in Russia. This program was designed and is currently implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development (Moscow) in three locations of ALCOA’s presence in Russia: Samara, Belaya Kalitva (Rostov Oblast) and Lubuchany Settlement (Moscow Oblast).
The subjects of the master classes were devoted to the following environmental protection areas:

  1. Water body study and protection. Water quality standards and primary pollutants and their impact on human health. Chemical and biological water body condition control (facilitators: A.R.Lyanzberg, director of Krestovsky Island Ecology and Biology Center at the St.Petersburg City Youth Creative Center, and D.D.Nikulinsky from the Center);
  2. Biodiversity preservation and protection of rare species.  Participation of school pupils in national surveys and conservation activities in the subject areas “Early Spring Flowers”, “Rare Plants of My Region”, “Insect Planet”, “Birds Are Our Friends”, and “The Reserve is Asking for Help” (facilitator Dr. Rykhlikova, Moscow State University Institute of Ecological Soil Sciences);
  3. Soil study and protection. Anthropogenically transformed soils. Possible areas of studying soil sciences at schools. Conservation of soil resources (facilitators: Dr.Rakhleyeva and I.A.Martynenko, Soil Sciences Department  at Moscow State University);
  4. Waste management and sustainable community development involving schools and teachers (facilitators: Dr.Sapozhnikova, Public Environmental Council at the Pushchino Deputy Commission);
  5. Organizing the work of schools and additional education centers in the framework of the national telecommunications project “Environmental Commonwealth” (M.E.Rykhlikova).

The training was attended by students and teachers from 21 schools: seven schools in Samara, nine schools in Belaya Kalitva, and three schools in Chekhovsky Raion, Moscow Oblast; representatives of nine additional education centers (regional young natural scientists centers, youth creativity, tourism and excursion centers from Samara and Belaya Kalitva, and children’s libraries) and of three NGOs (Irbis Youth Center and Ecology and Life Safety Center from Samara). A total of 52 educators and 62 pupils of 5th-10th grades were present.  

What are the first impressions of the attendees of the master classes:
«I was strongly impressed by the waste management master class. I began to think about the surrounding world and about the things that happen around us.  After learning about how the problem of waste is solved in other countries, I felt sorry for our country and the people who live in it. I am grateful to you for your effort and your will to make the world cleaner. Perhaps I personally could not do much, but thanks to such seminars, other people might start tackling these global issues. I’ve already got some ideas how to improve the appearance of our school and the yard at the place where I live.” (Gulnaz Gilfanova, 10th Grade, School # 150, Samara).

Fifteen most active teams were presented with knapsack chemical field laboratories for assessing the quality of water and soil (manufactured by Christmas Plus Company); and the teachers and students were taught to work with test kits.
This summer conservation groups at schools will be able to apply their new knowledge and the equipment they have received to work on their small projects of studying the status of the environment in all three locations. The following small school projects will be carried out:

  1. hydrobiology studies and water body protection (13);
  2. land ecosystem monitoring (4);
  3. examination of problems related to waste collection and recycling (7)
  4. studies of nature monuments and protected areas (6);
  5. studies of the condition of soils – environmental soil sciences (5);
  6. studies of first spring flowers (2);
  7. rare and endangered plants in my region (10);
  8. entomological observations (3);
  9. ornithological observations (6).

The following manuals were handed out to the attendees of the master classes from all three locations (30 for each) to help them in their work on the small projects and the competitive component of the Program: “First Spring Flowers”, “Rare Plants of My Region”, “Catalogue of Freshwater Invertebrates”, “Adopt a Wildlife Sanctuary”, “Soil Environmental Assessment” and nearly 20 CD-ROM discs with guidelines and information on the subjects of the master classes.

In accordance with the Program’s plan, at the same time with the master classes nearly 60 representatives of community educational and public organizations underwent training at seminars devoted to writing proposals for their own projects aimed at sustainable regional development within the announced Program Contest. By May 15, all the applicants will present their projects to FSD and ALCOA Foundation experts.

The key strategy of the Program - pooling community resources for sustainable regional development – is being implemented through enhancing the potential of school students and teachers and local NGOs. The educational process and the design and fulfillment of their own projects encourages the youth to join conservation activities and opens new possibilities for schoolchildren in finding like-minded peers in their country and abroad.
Following are opinions expressed by school students attending the Metallurg Central Creativity Center in Samara:
«…only such open demonstration events can teach people to love nature. For us this master class became a starting point for creating an environmental project in our school, to conduct open lessons for elementary school students at which they will become interested in cleaning the city and the whole country.  People are not interested in something they do not know. That is why such presentations play a tremendous role in brining up cultured citizens and shaping their attitudes to the surrounding world.”

At a water protection master class conducted by A.R.Lyandsberg (April 2007, Samara 04.)

During a field trip:  master class “Soil Study and Protection” facilitated by Dr.Rakhleyeva (Belaya Kalitva, on the bank of the Seversky Donets River, March 2007)

Speaking about the 10-year old  national project “Environmental Commonwealth” with which schools and after-school activities centers are starting to work under the ALCOA Program, Belaya Kalitva, February 2007

A. Teplov, a teacher from Belaya Kalitva, is leaning how to work with a field laboratory at a master class led by A.R. Lyandsberg (April 2007)


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