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News, May 2009.

News from ALCOA Sustainability and Conservation Program for Russia “We Are in Charge of the Future”

On February 6, 2009, a grant contest of initiatives of partnership schools and local public organizations was announced under the ALCOA Sustainability and Conservation Program for Russia “We Are in Charge of the Future”. The total amount of awards was 2, 665, 710 rubles.

Contest awards:

Samara                                                                                             942, 550 rub.

Belaya Kalitva                                                                                   323, 160 rub.

Additionally, 1,400,000 rubles were provided for Belaya Kalitva for the purchase of a street cleansing machine.

All the proposals were reviewed by internal and external experts and starting from May 4, 2009, the winners in the contest began work on their projects.

The priority contest area in 2009 in Belaya Kalitva is taking care of the city’s greenery. The project in this city includes the following phases:  purchasing a street cleansing machine with funds granted by the Program (Alcoa Foundation); and  involving schoolchildren and volunteers in monitoring greenery in the city, i.e., collecting information about existing plants (trees, shrubs, lawns and flowerbeds) growing in  the streets, parks and squares of the city. Together with the City of Belaya Kalitva Department for Greening and with support from local volunteers, the schoolchildren will create a Green Passport of the City. After the end of the project, the team of schoolchildren from Belaya Kalitva will conduct presentations of the results of their work in the city’s schools.

The priority area in Samara is School Patronage of Green Zones in Kirovsky District of Samara and Nature Monuments in Samara Oblast, which includes the whole specter of practical steps of partner schools and participating volunteers aimed at improving the social environment in the region. The key goals of activities in 2009-2010 include expanding social services, engaging volunteers from youth and school organizations, coordinating Program activities with the effort of the Samara Volunteer Development Center, and patronage of green zones in Kirovsky District of Samara.

Winning Projects of the 2009 Grant Contest

ALCOA Sustainability and Conservation Program for Russia

“We Are in Charge of the Future”

Projects in Samara:

  1. School Patronage of Green Zones in Kirovsky District of Samara and Nature Monuments in Samara Oblast
  2. Protected Avenue - educational environmental trail of School # 96 in Samara
  3. Preserving Nature Monuments in Samara Oblast for Future Generations
  4. Gallery of Samara Oblast Nature Monuments
  5. A Conservationists’ Photo View
  6. Labor of Love  - school environmental bureau
  7. Developing the Environmental and Ethnographic Museum in School # 147 in Samara

Projects in Belaya Kalitva:

  1. We Are Building an Eco-City
  2. An Environmental Trail in the City (Live Spring)
  3. Helping Nizhny Settlement (Children, Fresh Air and Water!)
  4. Taking Care, Protecting and Improving Nature Around Us!
  5. Green City
  6. Belaya Kalitva – a Green City (targeted grant)
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