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News, April 2013

A series of training seminars for industrial ecologists and students was organized under the FSD program Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s first attorney in the area of protecting rights in the sphere of the environment and nature management, and members of the Public Commission on Environmental Protection at the Committee on Housing and Utilities, the Fuel and Energy Complex, Petrochemistry and Environmental Protection of Samara Regional Duma

Dmitry Efimov, legal counsel of the Education Center of Ecology and Safety speaks about the importance of responsible water management

The seminar was attended by 51 students of Samara State Technical University

In the first quarter of 2013, a series of training seminars for industrial ecologists and students was held in Samara Oblast within the framework of the program of the Fund for Sustainable Development and Alcoa Foundation “Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development”. The seminars were organized by the Education Center of Ecology and Safety and its partners.

In February, a seminar “Regional Aspects of Responsible Water Resources Management in Samara Oblast” was attended by local entrepreneurs who were acquainted with the results and guidelines from the analytical review “Regional Aspects of Responsible Water Resources Management in Samara Oblast”. The electronic version of the review was distributed among over 50 organizations in the city of Samara and its region. A total of 26 professionals from 22 organizations of the region took part in the seminar.

Key areas of improving the system of managing sustainable water consumption in Samara region are the following:

  1. Introduction of a system of integrated monitoring of water bodies and a corresponding restructuring of the water consumption management structure.
  2. Development of a regulatory and procedural legislation. The status of the region’s water bodies attests to the ineffectiveness of the current water consumption management system.
  3. Creation of mechanisms for long-term economic motivation of water users responsible for environmental protection.
  4. Utilization of modern water-saving technologies in the industrial sphere. This requires significant investment into modernizing industrial facilities.

The seminar “The Aspects of Responsible Water Resources Management in Samara Oblast” organized for entrepreneurs in

the city of Tolyatti was devoted to the topic of protecting businesses during environmental audits. The participants in the seminar, 20 local specialists from 25 organizations,  learned about the approaches to modernizing the water resources management system through re-distributing the responsibilities of governing bodies during the development of a system of standards; and about the design and practical introduction of best existing practices.

Two seminars on “Modern Sewage Treatment Technologies” were organized for students of Samara State Technical University. The goal of these seminars was to disseminate the results of research in the field of applying modern industrial wastewater treatment technologies. The attendees were acquainted with the following industrial wastewater treatment methods: physical/mechanical, physical/chemical, membrane, phytotreatment and phytoremediation.
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